Viorel Topa, CV

Viorel Țopa, born 20 February 1966, Chisinau, Moldova.

Graduated from the Moscow University of Management in 1990. Served in the army from 1984 to 1986.

Work and experience:
  • Commercial bank “Basarabia” Chisinau, 1991-1992, senior specialist;
  • Commercial bank “Mobiasbancа” S.A. Chisinau, 1992-1994, senior specialist of the International Department, and then deputy chairman in 1994-1999;
  • "Banca de Economii" S.A. (the Savings Bank of Moldova), 1999-2001, President/CEO.
Currently: private investor.

Training: Joint Vienna Institute (EBRD) in 1997; Commerzbank Frankfurt (head office and Mainz international branch) in 1995-1996; the Bank of New York, New York.

Languages: Romanian, English, French, Russian.


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