Viorel Topa, CV
Graduated from the Moscow University of Management in 1990. Served in the army from 1984 to 1986.
Work and experience:
- Commercial bank “Basarabia” Chisinau, 1991-1992, senior specialist;
- Commercial bank “Mobiasbancа” S.A. Chisinau, 1992-1994, senior specialist of the International Department, and then deputy chairman in 1994-1999;
- "Banca de Economii" S.A. (the Savings Bank of Moldova), 1999-2001, President/CEO.
Training: Joint Vienna Institute (EBRD) in 1997; Commerzbank Frankfurt (head office and Mainz international branch) in 1995-1996; the Bank of New York, New York.
Languages: Romanian, English, French, Russian.
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