The Inquiry Commission of the Moldovan Parliament on the Raider Attacks of 2010-2012

By their Decision of 4 March 2021, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova approved the Report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the raider attacks of years 2010-2012.

Section VI of the Report: Conclusions (excerpt)

the state institutions, authorised with special powers to defend the rule of law, public and private property of the citizens, were directly or indirectly involved in raider attacks, often acting as accomplices in the processes of dispossession of the shareholders of Victoriabank, ASITO, Banca de Economii, Moldova-Agroindbank, Victoria Asigurări;
within the raider attacks, the representatives of the state institutions, of the courts, of the prosecutor's office, of the National Anticorruption Centre, of the National Bank of Moldova, of the National Security Commission and of others bodies acted as accomplices in the seizure of others' property;
the actions of the representatives of state bodies who committed violations are to be subject to appropriate liability. To date, they are not only not prosecuted, but also promoted to leading positions in the judiciary and the prosecutor's office;
similar situations were attested in criminal cases initiated on the fact of illegal seizure, by abuse of trust and fraud, of the shareholdings in ASITO, Victoriabank, Banca de Economii [...]; all of the aforementioned criminal cases are currently at the stage of investigation by the prosecutors without any finality;
the state institutions have directly or indirectly participated in the dispossession and deprivation of ownership rights of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, thus protecting the interests of third parties or, as established in most of the cases mentioned above and represented in the Commission, of companies from outside the Republic of Moldova.
✎ Full Decision and Report here.

Despite the fact that the Moldovan Parliament set a 60-day deadline for response (by January 2021), the prosecutor's office has not taken any action to this day. Neither the similar Parliament Commission Reports of 2011 ("the Ionita Commission") and 2019 ("the Slusari Commission"), nor the Declaration of the Moldovan Parliament on the captured state of 8 June 2019 have resulted in any action. Most high-ranking prosecutors were directly involved in the raider attacks and are still holding their positions or have even been promoted.


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