Criminal's Risk Assessment - Plahotniuc


Vladimir Plahotniuc, a.k.a Ulinici


1 January 1966 [allegedly], Moldova


May 2016 [RA-3304-201605]


Forensic psychology

KEY TAGS: [thief, pimp, swindler, smuggler, blackmailer, head of organised crime gangs, hijacker, usurper]



This assessment is worth starting with an almost autobiographical poem, “Frightened bunny”. The subject wrote this pictorial insight into his personality at the age of sixteen. The narrative is dedicated to sheer fear. Remarkably, the teenager’s primitive poem also unfolds the subject’s emotional underdevelopment, which traditionally accompanies such emerging sociopaths.

Fear suppression is the key driving force of the subject. Right from his early childhood, the subject has learnt that the one he is afraid of the most, is also the one who controls him, is the one with the upper hand. Whether real, imaginary or biased, this perception has shaped and fueled an impetuous, irresistible and insatiable need of control.

In futile attempts to suppress his fears, the subject is fancying himself as being the most powerful and handsome, the smartest and fiercest, the most beloved and successful specimen within his territorial boundaries. This is how the compensation and the entire defence mechanism manifests in the subject’s specific case.

The subject envies and resents anyone who matches the prototypes of those he earlier used to admire, revere and worship. Those people are the future victims of the subject’s cunning and devious attacks. Typically, the subject seeks to deprive the target victims of their outstanding attributes: success, notoriety, wealth, well-being, happiness, social respect.

The case of Oleg Voronin, the son of the former Moldovan President, is descriptive in exhibiting the subject’s pattern. The subject strove to sneak into Oleg’s skin, simulated a friendship, built trust, to one single predefined end: to finally rob Oleg’s businesses, steal his father’s influence and even the father’s love for his biological son. In the course of the rampant inflation of the subject’s predatory instincts, appetites and self-nourishing desires, and having consumed and demolished anything on his way, the subject can soon get to whet his appetites for a whole country, regarded as a collective victim. The Republic of Moldova is an illustration thereof, captured and transformed into a bandit territory under the subject’s tribal rule.


GLIB AND SUPERFICIAL CHARM: the subject exudes deceitful and theatrical charm in order to con the target victims into a pitfall of a pernicious relationship. His prime goal is the victim's trust. By such methodical ruses, the subject is targeting individual victims (like socially reputed persons, owners of important assets, business partners or relevant political nexuses), as well as the entire society. Grabbing media resources emphasises symptoms of utter narcissism, as he envisages their further use (by means of TV shows and staged interviews) to grip flattering social approval.

GRANDIOSE (EXAGGERATED) SELF-ESTIMATION: the subject is so eager to fulfil his ever-growing and self-inflating wishlist that he is restlessly jumping from one “personality mask” to another in his fictional masquerade. He pretends to be educated, albeit his diplomas are mere fake; he feigns to be a good businessman, even though he has never build a business and always thriven on squeezing out the stolen ones; he brags to be a generous sponsor and mécénat, even if his hypocritical donations are a tiny drop in the ocean of the public money he embezzles; he pretends to be a good familyist, despite his well-known sexual promiscuity and perversity. Nothing is what appears in public. By mimicking socially accepted virtues, the subject dissembles his real antisocial nature.

INNATE PATHOLOGICAL LIAR: the subject is a master of forged images, deceitful tales and insidious traps. He has a nerve to publicly state that he has never been under Interpol monitoring just few days before having to concede the opposite; he defiantly asserts that he has never possessed TV channels, just a couple of days before officially recognising his ownership over eight of them. When foxing, bluffing or cheating, he feels no inner discomfort or qualm like most of us do. The subject hoodwinks even his most faithful servants with tantalizing rewards, although he is always set on getting rid of people rather than paying them and keeping his word.

CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS: the subject uses deception and con to approach the victim and earn the victim’s confidence. To the subject’s perception, to have a relationship means to have a plan of attack and subsequent subjugation or annihilation of the victim.

LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT and failure to accept responsibility for own actions: not only is the subject a ruthless swindler and crook, but also a sly plotter to expose the victims as offenders. In clumsy attempts to reconcile his outrages with the social norms, he used to explain his impudent robberies and aggressions as “pre-emptive strikes against the others’ conspiracy”, so that the subject can dress himself in a kind of noble knight, a “Robin Hood” rather than a regular robber.

PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: the subject is unable to create something positive or organise a decent activity. All his life is a long chain of conning scams aiming to grab someone else's assets, money, properties, social recognition. This is how his delinquent’s mind spots objectives. Essentially, the subject is a typical kleptomaniac.

POOR BEHAVIOURAL CONTROLS: the subject has no sense of planning or patience. He is unable to wait or persevere. His impulses must be satisfied at once, without delay. The subject has an undeveloped mechanism of control or suppressing his impulses.

SEXUAL PROMISCUITY: in his perverse imagination, he is pursuing the role of an appealing “Casanova”. To support his own fantasies with appropriate visual effects, he is merely buying young girls’ presence. The subject's obsessive attempts to play “Casanova” belie his latent homosexuallity. He is acutely aware of his homosexual inclination, which he strives to shroud under a misleading macho camouflage.

CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: the subject has a large range of criminal employ, from a pimp, smuggler and counterfeiter of documents; to briber and blackmailer of state officers, manipulator of high ranking policemen and magistrates. He is a skillful master of pitfalls for politicians, governmental and judicial agents. Once trapped, they become his trophies, obliged to support his further scams.


The subject seeks to penetrate the victim’s fence of prudence and caution, and sneak into the victim’s entourage and circle of trust.

The subject strives to appear generous, bosom and toady with the target victim; a servant who can solve any problem, obeys all orders and satisfies any desire; always at the next victim’s fingertips and always geared up for new tasks to please the next victim.

The subject will persist in collecting sensible information on his targeted victims and their relatives (their problems, pain points, weaknesses, dependencies, fears, frustrations); will arrange setups, will spy, wiretap and film compromising material, will record the bribing, all these actions being done with a long-planned anticipation before the attack. Sex tapes are the subject’s most common practice, and hence the most rewarding and gratifying one.

The subject will blackmail the victim for various ends: to enforce a dependence, to use the victim and victim’s reputation in achieving the subject’s criminal goals, to cover up the subject’s crimes by means of using victims’ identities and imitating their involvement. The blackmail is the weapon the subject mostly relies on.

The subject is afraid of traces and avoids signing documents. He is always lying at the bottom of a thick pile of interposed intermediaries, fiduciary lawyers and straw men.

To ensure that his crime will remain undiscovered, the subject will harass, intimidate and persecutes the victim, ensuring they will keep silent. For this purpose, the subject will frame up serious problems to terrify the victims, will fabricate cases against them and their families, will arrange acts of physical terror, like blowing grenades in the victim’s backyard or setting fire to their cars. The subject’s methods are never constrained by any moral or legal confinements.


The “frightened bunny” lives with an overwhelming perception of being constantly surrounded by acute threats, spawned by his entourage. No one is safe in interacting with the subject, even the most devoted henchmen. The subject suspects everyone, including his innermost circle, who are continuously bound to prove their loyalty with new daily crimes.

Eventually, the whole society starts posing existential threats for the subject: either they don't admire him enough, or they don't love him sufficiently, or they are seeking his weaknesses, or proper moment for a knife in his back, or they seem to plot against him otherwise. Nobody ventures to tell the subject the truth, therefore the paranoid surges cannot be tempered.

The subject’s acolytes are consumable – once they got used and labelled as waste or scrap, the subject should dispose of them. And this is ritually performed through an exemplary punishment. Severe retaliation is central for keeping the others in fear, at bay. Neither the most faithful servants are spared, even if they suspect nothing and continue to bask in the subject’s sunshine.

The subject has no ability to stop, nor will he give in. His psychopathic impulses always prove stronger than the sensible rationalities or the common sense. He will not concede, because he perceives any minor concession as a signal of his fatal weakness, as a trigger of his obliteration. Under panic and stress, the subject can only escalate the conflict, can only further stiffen the grapple. And his is always under stress, while escalation is his only response to a problem. When facing a real uprising against him, he is ready for extreme outrages and atrocities: “if you don’t want me, if you don’t accept me, I’ll blow up the whole country”.

On having captured an entire state (as it is the case of the Republic of Moldova), by hijacking the state agencies (public prosecution office, judiciary, law enforcing and coercive agencies), the subject will blackmail other governments and international institutions, as well as individually targeted foreign officers and officials. This is what such psychopaths are expected to do, and this is what the subject does.

▉ [CONCLUSION ON RA-3304-201605]

Early criminal behavior, psychopathy, and recurrent aggressive behavioral patterns, indicate to a personality’s steep negative evolution with highest risk of recidivism.

[Forensic psychology expert, 201605]

Psychological Profile of 2011 See more ↗


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